Improve Your Watercolor Control With Coloring Book Images. Quick and Fun!

If you want to hone your basic watercolor wash and blending skills in a fun way, but without a lot of pre-planning, drawing and prep, look no further than the myriad coloring book images available. A fun, quick and accessible way to practice or just warm up. In this video I’ll show you what to focus on as you practice. Term Clarifications: Charge – To dab more concentrated pigment into an already wet area or shape. A precise form of wet in wet painting. Glaze – A transparent layer of paint applied wet over dry color to darken value, change color or add shading. Basic wash, blend and water control tutorials can be found in this play list – Huion Light Pad Review – ***Affiliate Links*** (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks for looking.) The Brush Guys –
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