The 2009 US Plan for Iran War Sees New Opportunity in Israeli Gaza Ops + Update on Ukraine

- Ukraine’s “operational pause“ is Kiev annoucning the “Spring Offensive“ has for all intents and purposes, ended; - West continues to suffer setbacks in supplying ammunition to Ukraine including diverting much of it to Israel now; - Israel continues air and ground attacks on Gaza, compounding a growing humanitarian catastrophe; - US policymakers since at least as early as 2009 planned to provoke Iran into a conflict either directly or by proxy through Israel; - The US is citing drone and rocket attacks on illegal US military bases in Syria and Iraq as a pretext to deploy anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems designed to down entirely different types of threats; - It is clear that as the US had planned in 2009, Washington and its Israeli allies are preparing the battlefield ahead of a deliberate effort to goad Iran and its allies into a wider conflict; - The US is fighting a 3 front proxy war through Ukraine in Eastern Europe against Rus
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