► How can I reward Rome’s greatest General? Let Me Go Home.
Gladiator, a truly powerful movie that will be remembered for eternity. This movie hits very personally to me, and It ventures into a lot of philosophy which I study a lot. I wanted to make this video, to tell the story of Maximus while he fights through hardship in the era of Ancient Rome.
“Wisdom, Justice, Courage, and Moderation.“ - The Four Stoic Virtues.
All are embodied in Maximus throughout this film.
Thank you all for watching, stay strong out there, and don’t give up on the fight.
“What we do now, echoes in eternity“ ~Marcus Aurelius
The video is available in 4K.
The beautiful music used in this video:
Max Richter: On The Nature Of Daylight (Orchestral Version)
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