Внутри пластикового пакета | National Geographic

Представьте каково это, запутаться в пластиковом пакете. Каждый год больше миллиона птиц и морских млекопитающих погибает из-за пластика в морях и океанах. Используйте сумки вместо одноразовых пакетов и расскажите об этом видео друзьям. ♻ Imagine being trapped inside a huge plastic bag. Each year, more than a million marine creatures and other birds and animals die from plastic trash. In the week leading up to World Oceans Day 2016, National Geographic took to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., with a plastic bag large enough to bring this issue to life at a human scale. This dramatization featuring National Geographic video staff simulates the experience of marine creatures that become trapped in plastic and can’t escape. The plastic bag, created by art collective Red Dirt Studio, will be recycled through D.C.’s Office of Recycling. See How It Feels to Be an Ocean Animal Stuck in a Plastic Bag | National Geographic Learn more about the world’s oceans:
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