(Airsoft Game) 14/04/12 ; Night Game ; NSA78 ; PPR ; BEAT WAR II ; GoPro HD Hero2

My facebook page : Morir, Trevan and I were at the BEAT WAR II Op, organised by the NSA 78. It was mostly a night game. I took my camera, but as you can imagine most of what I recorded was just plain black screen. So I tried to make this video with the parts, I think, was interesting to see. Various games have been played. Note one of the game was a VIP/Zombie game, where we had to find VIPs on a field infested with zombies. Which explain why, mostly at the end of the video, I hit players who doesn’t seem to care (zombies are slowed down by bb’s but never truly killed). I used my MP7 KSC at this game. I also had my XDM Marui, but I didn’t used it this night.
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