Breaking Things Into Pieces - AMV (Flipaclip)

-(Blood/Death Warning)- I been working on this for like a year woW my style changes like 1000 times on this aaAA it looks really bad in some parts and there’s also a lot of mistake but i’m kinda proud of iT there’s not not so much story in this, there are also just random scenes (Anyway here’s some part of the story, it’s actually pretty bad so in don’t have to read iT aa) SO basically their packs started a fight It is divided by the wolves pack and the goats herd This 2 characters are the last of their packs the objetive of their packs was ending with the rival because they was constantly giving problems to each other, at first they was living togheter and in peace until the problems started, with the time their packs were growing up and having less territory, they lived on the mountains and it was hard to live in there Then suddenly everyone started to kill each other until only 2 remained they’re the last ones and don’t want to left things like this they have a hate on each other but they don’t really
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