Todd V ProgramsAdjusting to Blueprints - How to Figure Her Out 04/28/22 Пикап тодд mentoring program

(0:03) Lecture topic and first look at the blueprint (0:34) Blueprint discussion (2:58) Note on questions towards a blueprint (3:24) I’ve noticed blueprint calibration contributes to a feeling of “It just happened“ massively in my sets. Is that accurate or is it maybe other good things I might be doing? (4:24) Blueprint discussion You don’t need to know everything about her. What is her idea of a valuable man? (12:40) (Live question) Question about sassy girls. I absolutely have a negative batting average with this type of girl. I don’t even know where to start with girls like this — it feels like socially she’s 10 times what I am. So girls who have the world handed to them on a platter or have their life solved and have no professional ambition. Their experience with guys is basically people like her who are rich/posh and in a similar position to her. (21:41) (Follow-up question) From what I can tell you’re talking about things happening between Evaluation and Narrative. But how do I break this girl out of her Magic School Bus without being an actual uncalibrated asshole? How do I break through their frame and establish the Premise? (27:24) Is her blueprint different for guys she casually sleeps with, and guys she considers a good long-term partners? (31:05) I tend to like girls who are very competent/successful, have high self-confidence, and who is sassy (clever, a bit bitchy). What is their blueprint if that was a sufficient description? (33:44) Is there a way to find out what traits a particular girl finds attractive and unattractive, for a short-term relationship? Or is that most universal? (36:55) To clarify, women that a lot of men can’t keep up with basically because they are so successful/have a lot going on. (37:05) What thoughts/mindset do I need to have and or Premise in order to create ideas for teasing and sexual tension? Pheromones? (37:50) Blueprint discussion (Finding her blueprint) (39:20) The System (40:40) Blueprint discussion Girls’ blueprints toward romance The emotional experience they’ve gotten out of life. (43:31) With girls who immigrated from very conservative countries, should you be the complete opposite with them and push the idea of being free? Does it depend? (47:10) To give a specific example of the prior blueprint I mentioned (very successful girl) — there’s a girl at work who is very successful and does more senior work, whereas I am younger and do more junior level work. Blueprint wise, I am competent and on my way to being successful but on paper not as successful now. Am I working uphill / against the tide? (50:29) Some girls come from very conservative countries and have very strict parents but want to be the opposite of that. So it’s confusing sometimes. (52:27) Do you do the Eliciting Values routine yourself nowadays? If you do, would you avoid teasing her on blueprint-related information before you have a better clearer picture, in case she shuts down vis-a-vis revealing information about herself? (53:50) Sounds like the example guys give as the reason they got into game because they couldn’t get that one girl. (53:58) Recap (56:41) How does blueprint calibration relate to the way you tease her and spike her emotions? Like one girl might find you’re cocky-funny, another might think you’re immature. (1:01:23) Just got back to the hotel. Anyway. How do you figure out how many guys she had? (1:02:10) Is it a good idea to find out how she grow up? (1:03:36) Do you do some generalizations based on blueprint evidence you collect, e.g. if she’s wearing a cross with a low cut top or even a bathing suit, the girl might have a somewhat conservative sexual blueprint (maybe not as much in the bathing suit example, but for sure a possibility with the girl with a low cut top)? And if it’s not a sexual blueprint, it could relate to more general views. (1:05:26) Is blueprint relevant for preselection? Like, are some girls not into guys who get attention from other girls, and have a past? (1:07:19) Blueprint exercise (1:08:32) First student (1:19:07) What do you qualify this girl on? (1:19:45) Second student (1:25:51) Student follow up (1:28:20) Third student (1:35:15) This girl sounds fucking made. (1:35:25) Ask her what are the rules of walking.
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