Say Nothing - Performance Music Video (Ky Baldwin)

Originally Uploaded: September 6, 2020 Views as of July 14th, 2021: 13,587 Comments as of July 14th, 2021: 99 Why the reupload? In Feburary 2019, Youtube removed the ability to comment on alot of channels that contained youths including this one and took off the majority of any ads. Without comments or advertising our channels basically shut down due to YouTubes algorithm. Since I actually turned 18 just two months later and with no news of when this would be fixed I started a new channel with all the content I made as an adult. In approximately February 2021, YouTube allowed comments again, not on all videos but at least the channel as a whole wasn’t disabled. Therefore, because we’d like to keep all my content on one channel we moved any videos made and uploaded to the other channel on to this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen to &#
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