Bioconstructor - Teleturizm (1987 year)

Второй клип Михаила Макаренкова на песню “Телетуризм“ группы Биоконструктор. Оба клипа не пустили в эфир. КГБ? “Не формат“! :) Слишком низкий ,наверное им показался, голос солиста. :) The second clip of Mikhail Makarenkov for the song “Teletourism“ by the group Bioconstructor. Both clips were not aired. KGB? “Not the format“! :) The soloist’s voice was probably too low ,they probably thought.:) Text: Possible incidents Someone is deprived of sleep And I love traveling And he is inclined to change places Drive away doubts Don’t waste your words Adventures are waiting for you everywhere The comfort of foreign cities Possible trips, Possible incidents… You are welcome guests in Nice My mother worries in vain. In Milan, you will be treated to pizza And they are very much waiting in the Bahamas The evening is beautiful in Borneo In Malaga-red wines Retro and neo music In all cor
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