The power of Avisynth - Version 2017 - a VHS movie of 1986

Hello. After some time of testing and a platform change, I created a new filter chain. Version 2017;) My video processing I do on the following system. - Debian 8 ( # 1 SMP Debian deb8u3 (2017-08-15) x86_64 GNU / Linux) - Wine (wine-2.0 (Debian ~ bpo8 1)) - Avisynth (AviSynth 0.1 (r2508, MT, x86_64)) Operating system, programs and filters are all in 64 bits. The following filters were used in the order mentioned: - cnr2 - qtgmc - dtttestmc - coloryuv - depan - xaa - chromashiftsp - tweak - awarpsharp2 To customize the “image next to image“ view, a final magnification of 1440x576 was made to 1800x720. Then fill the margins to 1920x1080. After the conversion, the video was converted into x264 by 2 pass. The target bit rate was 3 Mbit / s. The result is what you can see in the video. Please select 1080p for playback. And thanks to all the people mentioned in the film credits. Very special thanks again Alex. And thanks to Freddy Van de Putte for the inspirations depa
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