Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West HD (Dubbed)
Dubbed by TheThirdGathers
EDIT 1/3/17: In seeing how recent media coverage has been giving this video a big boost in popularity, I would like to give a shoutout to Frontwire Studios (), who is working tirelessly to create a cyberpunk-themed shooter with mechanics inspired by those from the cancelled Star Wars Battlefront III, namely seamless ground-to-space combat. You can check out their stuff on their YouTube channel here: You can also watch an informative interview by my friend, IAmPattyJack, with Frontwire’s head, Tony Romanelli, here:
Backstroke of the West is a bootlegged version of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith that contains hilariously poor Chinese-to-English translated subtitles. This bootleg is most well-known for the line “Do not want,“ a mistranslation of Darth Vader’s widely parodied “Noooooo!“ I synced the subtitles and the dub to HD video of Revenge of the Sith. I’ve also added the pre-garbled English subtitles if you wish to compare this masterpiece to the original dialogue from Episode III. Enjoy!
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