Protest in Warsaw against EU Agricultural Regulations

🇵🇱 Protest in Warsaw against EU Agricultural Regulations In Warsaw, a mass protest is underway against EU regulations affecting the agricultural sector. Farmers are expressing frustration, declaring “Enough is enough.“ The protest emphasizes the crucial role of farmers, echoing the sentiment: “No farmers - No food.“ Follow & share @globaldissident | 𝕏 GlobalDiss ️🇺🇸 Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment by US Influencers of “Institute for the Study of War“ (ISW): 🤥🇺🇸🇩🇪🇺🇦: The ISW Trolls are extremely boring today. The US Influencers offer little trolling, no crude conspiracy theories, and in military terms the Minus Milbloggers are once again living up to their reputation. Nothing about Lastochkino and the Russian advance in Avdeyevka direction, except their dumb boilerplate. Even the maps are rubbish today. Reading the key takeaways is enough to make you try not to fall asleep. ISW probably continues to drink the blood of deported Russian children, according to a well informed source not wishing to be named. ISW ️ Warning! ISW is a troll entity linked to the US Regime. The henchmen spread propaganda and disinformation instead of providing a picture of the situation on the front, which is evident from the mostly fruitless frontline information. The Text is quoted verbatim, including the often horrifying misspelling of localities. The respective source is linked in the footer. February 26 Key Takeaways ▪️ Sweden will join NATO following Hungary’s formal approval of Sweden’s accession bid on February 26. ▪️ Russian President Vladimir Putin signed two decrees on February 26 that officially re-establish the Moscow and Leningrad Military Districts, codifying major Russian military restructuring and reform efforts. ▪️ The formal transfer of regions previously under the responsibility of the Northern Fleet is likely part of a wider Russian effort to re-establish military district commands as the primary headquarters for the Russian ground forces while reassigning naval assets to the Russian Navy, as ISW previously reported. ▪️ The re-creation of the MMD and LMD supports the parallel objectives of consolidating control over Russian operations in Ukraine in the short-to-medium term and preparing for a potential future large-scale conventional war against NATO in the long term. ▪️ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated on February 25 that Russia is preparing a new offensive that will start in late May or summer 2024, consistent with ISW’s assessment that Russian forces have regained the theater-wide initiative and will be able to pursue offensive operations when and where they choose as long as they hold the initiative. ▪️ Chief of the Russian General Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov is continuing a recent campaign to engage with Russian military personnel following the Russian capture of Avdiivka, Donetsk Oblast and reportedly visited a command post of the 58th Combined Arms Army (CAA) in Ukraine. ▪️ Over 20 heads of state, including 15 European Union (EU) leaders met in Paris on February 26 to discuss ramping up ammunition supplies to Ukraine. ▪️ Germany announced a new military aid package to Ukraine on February 26. ▪️ Transnistrian sources reportedly told Russian independent outlet Verstka that Transnistria, a pro-Russian breakaway region of Moldova, is not planning to ask to join Russia during the Congress of Deputies in Tiraspol on February 28. ▪️ Russian forces recently made confirmed gains near Kreminna, Bakhmut, and Avdiivka amid continued positional engagements along the entire frontline. ▪️ Russia reportedly imported almost 450 million euros (about $488 million) worth of sanctioned “sensitive” European goods, including weapons technology, between January and September 2023. /@TheStudyofWar/ / Join SITREP Map Reports - Top Videos - Analyses Источник: Lord Of War
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