Drunk with (Patio) Power!

Vermin! Infidels! Water dripping from a recent rain! How dare thee encroach the bounds of the castle’s walls, or what the servants call “the patio.“ I shall vanquish thee to the depths of the litter box! Ah, but I am a formidable Queen, and such insignificant traitors are no match for Her Royal Meowjesty! Alas, not so for the Dimwits, for they have certainly perished in the onslaught, such dainty, delicate oafs they are, defenseless in their furless armor. I’ve no need for them now anyway, for I am resourceful and can hunt for myself and snatch a flying rat from the air with a swift paw atop my throne! The Queendom is quiet. But for how long? We could be invaded again at any moment! I must remain vigilant. Wait! What’s that I saw? An orb? A ghost! No, ’tis my Beautiful Tail! I pause to groom my Beautiful Tail and it feels comforting, calming. O my Beautiful Tail, we have only each other now. Wait! This must be what they want, the
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