De Gaulle In Poland (1967)

No title - French President Charles de Gaulle visits Poland. Cracow (alternative spellings: Krakow or Krakau) and Auschwitz. Various shots French President Charles de Gaulle’s cavalcade driving along during his visit to Cracow. Various shots large crowds. L/S cavalcade surrounded by crowds. Various shots large crowds. Various shots of cavalcade and de Gaulle’s car. Various shots as photographers run to jump onto camera car. Various shots as they continue, they drive past castle in Cracow. C/U de Gaulle walking in old square at Cracow. Various shots de Gaulle walking surrounded by people, camera pans up castle. M/S de Gaulle looking up, surrounded by people. C/U gate at Auschwitz concentration camp showing the words ’Work brings Freedom’. C/U barbed wire. M/S as de Gaulle carries a wreath, assisted by two people. M/S wreath being laid, de Gaulle salutes. C/U wreath and monument to those who died in concentration camp. C/U tombstone with French writing. C/U of de Gaulle paying homage. M/S looking ov
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