Du Shik ✘ Hue Jin || Still wearing all my clothes [Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha]
Originally, I wanted to put some plot in this video - a story with a lost shoe or with main character’s memories from their childhood. But in the process of making it, I realized that truly I want to look at these two secret lovers and think about nothing, so, as a result, in the video there are only those moments where they just stare at each other without any sense. And how could they only pretend to be friends right up to episode 10? Hahaha. Anyway, I hope you share my opinion and enjoy your viewing!
Please DON’T reupload!
➤Series: «Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha»
➤Song: Carl Storm - «Still wearing all my clothes»
➤Editing software: Shotcut