We’re caroling to help Vlad Lukin cope with financial burdens that come with a long battle against sarcoma.
A 19-year-old resident of Donetsk, Vlad Lukin was d diagnosed with a very rare malignant tumor - Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. Vlad has a very long and very difficult road to recovery ahead of him; he is now in Tel Aviv at the Ichilov Clinic. He has already had two courses of chemotherapy, with seven more to come. There is $252,000 to be raised, which is a lot of money for Vlad’s family. Each of you can become an ANGEL for this 19 year old boy by donating ANY amount to save his life. Every help you give is important, even if you just share this video on social networks and tell your friends and acquaintances about Vlad’s story. Please, don’t stay away, show mercy to this guy, help save his life!
У 19-летнего жителя Донецка Влада Лукина была диагностирована очень редкая злокачественная опухоль - альвеолярная рабдомиосаркома. Владу предстоит очень долгий и очень трудный путь к
2 months ago 00:47:31 1
Best Christmas Classics Reimagined Music 2023 Ever | WE WISH YOU AN EPIC CHRISTMAS!