光啟社 郎世寧紀錄片Giuseppe Castiglione in China:Imperial Painter, Humble Servant

一位義大利的耶穌會士如何成為中國三朝皇帝的宮廷畫師?郎世寧的故事是東方與西方在藝術文化上激起火花的重要見證,為中國的藝術帶來深遠的影響。 他將焦點透視法帶進中國,開創性地將油彩繪於宣紙之上,並由此創造出了一種嶄新的、中西合璧的畫風。他也是用西方元素構建了中國重要建築圓明園的設計師。 在清朝,他是西方文化向中國打開的一扇窗;如今,他成為了溝通中西文化的一座橋。本片從現代的視角出發,再現郎世寧一生的經歷,試圖探尋這位義大利耶穌會士的內心世界,並窺探西方文化與中國文化碰撞、融合的過程。 How did a young artist born in Milan end up in Imperial China as a court painter? The story of Giuseppe Castiglione is one of passion, conviction, and creativity; and his journey has left a long-lasting impact in China and beyond. Lang Shining skillfully used Western linear perspective and oil painting techniques, combined them with the Chinese aesthetics and traditional media, and developed his own distinctive style. A first book introducing the concept of perspective in China, “The Study of Vision,“ was attributed to Lang Shining. He also collaborated with other Jesuit priests to design the Western-style buildings inside Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace. 第一集 一隻畫筆的跨度 Part 1 A Paint Brush Bridging Two Cultures 第二集 宣紙上的油彩 Part 2 Oil Painting on Rice Paper 第三集 皇帝的相冊 Part 3 The Emperor’s Album 第四集 圓明園裡的故鄉 Part 4 Western Mansions in Chinese Gardens 片長Duration 135 mins 語言Language 中/英 Chinese/English 聯合攝製 Jointly Produced by 光啟文教視聽節目服務社 Kuangchi Program Service, Taipei 江蘇省廣播電視總臺 Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation, Nanjing 發行 Distributed by 光啟文教視聽節目服務社 Kuangchi Program Service, Taipei 台北市敦化南路一段233巷20號 108-108 TAIPEI,TAIWAN TEL:886-2-2771-2136 FAX:886-2-2771-2246 E-MAIL:kpstpbus@
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