Single Huge Horizontal Line Through DNA Gel Electrophoresis?

How to avoid well leakage: 1. Wash and clean the comb to prevent sample leakage through cracking when the comb is removed. 2. Do not fill the wells more than 2/3 full to avoid excessive sample spreading and leakage. the gel after loading the samples to see if they are already spreading, particularly under the wells. This can occur if the comb is too deep in the gel, and removing it breaks the bottom of the well. 4. Allow the gel to set completely and cool before removing the comb. Pouring the gel immediately after it has dissolved can warp the gel tray, resulting in thin and easily breakable wells in the middle of the gel. 5. Use fresh running buffer when making and running the gel to ensure optimal performance. 6. If the ladder has migrated too far, try running the gel at a lower voltage, approximately half of what you were using, and observe if it makes a difference. 7. Run one or two samples of someone else’s loading dye diluted in running buffer to compare their loading buffer’s performance with yours and identify any differences. By following these suggestions, you can improve the resolution and prevent the issue of sample leakage between wells during gel electrophoresis. #dna #gelelectrophoresis #genetics #pcr #biology
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