Ukrainian Fascism Series: The Roots

The US media has officially become an operation focused on war time anti-Russian propaganda, no other voices are being allowed and those that dare to are quickly being shut down. One of the most egregious lies being spewed forth is that Nazism and fascism are not an issue in Ukraine, it’s time to set the record straight. The roots of this Ukrainian Ultra Nationalism run deep gaining prominence in 1919 at the end of the Polish-Ukrainian war. This short war originated in ethnic differences between a number of groups in the area of Galicia. The House of Habsburg’s who were sympathetic and lenient towards national minorities ruled Galicia, a part of Austria-Hungary. This leniency allowed for the growth of numerous Nationalist movements. Archduke Wilhelm of Austria, whom had adopted a Ukrainian identity sent two regiments of Ukrainian troops into Lemberg, modern day Lviv, as the Austro-Hungarian government fell apart, these two regiments set about creating what became known as the Ukrainian National Counci
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