《每一程,滿載期待》:第二人生篇 (一分鐘版) Hope-filled Journey Ahead: Second Beginning (1-min)

#港鐵微電影 #馮素波 #栢天男 ​ 每個年代,都有唔同嘅生活可能!微電影《每一程,滿載期待》第二人生篇邀請到波姐(馮素波)夥拍栢天男飾演分隔兩地嘅母子,本身以家庭為重嘅波姐面對生活變化,決定跟住鄰舍朋友開始 #第二人生,搭港鐵穿梭城市,擴闊社交圈子,仲揾到新興趣,享受樂齡新生活!​ #MTRMicrofilm #波姐 #AdamPak #每一程滿載期待 #港鐵 #連繫相伴 #港人生活故事​ MTR connects moments of togetherness in every generation, in every way. This microfilm showcases Alice Fung So Bor (“Bor Jeh“) and Adam Pak. “Bor Jeh“ portrays an elderly mother who finds herself separated from her son due to work obligations. With life changes, she decides to embark on a second life with the neighbors by riding the MTR to explore the city to experience the warmth of human
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