AMADEUS / NIJE SVEJEDNO / SPOT (Official Music Video)
Muzika : Srdjan Simic Kamba
Text : Bojan Stanimirovic - Boki Tatko Predsednik
Aranzman : Aleksandar Stanimirovic i
Aleksandar Tasic
Label: City Records
Production: Visual Infinity
Director and director of photography: Aleksandar Kerekes Keky
Executive producer: Milos Kreckovic
Styling: Bojana Ugresic
Make up: Ena Jovic
Hair style: Kristina Loh
Model: Bojana Desnica
Set design: Nikola Matijevic
1st assistant Krizov
Production Assistant: Luka Spremo
Aerial camera operator: Dragan Trifunovic
Filmed with RED EPIC-M and DSLR Cameras ( C
...anon D60,Panasonic GH2 )
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