Chinese Measure Word Challenge

In Chinese there are lots of different measure words, however with most nouns you can still you 个. Here are some other measure words: 只 zhī - Used for animals, one of a pair, or certain small objects. (a cat, a dog, a shoe) 条 tiáo - Used for long, narrow, or flexible objects. (a pair of pants, a river, a fish) 本 běn - Used for books and other bound items. (a book, a magazine, a notebook) 位 wèi - Used for people, particularly to show respect. (a teacher, a doctor, a guest) 阵 zhèn - Used for events or occurrences, particularly those that are brief or sudden. (a gust of wind, a burst of laughter, a round of applause) 场 chǎng - Used for activities, events, or shows. (a rainfall, a movie showing, a competition)
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