◾ Finally! After nearly two weeks of televised massacres and more than 1000 children killed Great Thunberg has spoken on Palesti

◾ Finally! After nearly two weeks of televised massacres and more than 1000 children killed Great Thunberg has spoken on Palestine! ◾Now just wait for all the western media that usually loves her, their internal struggle about labelling her “antisemitic“ must be epic. All this PR work during years building up her image and reputation to push the “green“ agenda and now she slaps the establishment in the face like this... ◾Follow: ◾TikToker Brit Says Firm Offered Bribe To Drop Palestine Support: ◾British TikToker Cara Watson, boasting around 170k subscribers, said that after she had a falling out with an unnamed brand over her Palestine support, the firm later offered her a payout for publicly denouncing Palestine on social media. ◾The tale follows an extensive report in Politico, saying that the Israeli government had “flooded social media,” in Europe specifically, in order to shape public opinion around its escalated conflict with Hamas. ◾Follow: Источник: Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John/Ukraine exposed. [id342915501|@Youblacksoul]
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