GUYANA | A Venezuelan Invasion?

On 3 December 2023, Venezuela held a referendum over its claims to a large part of neighbouring Guyana, even though it had been asked not to do so by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Despite a low turnout, the country’s president, Nicolas Maduro, claimed overwhelming support for annexation. Since then, Caracas has moved swiftly to assert its sovereignty over the territory. As well as creating a new federal state of Guayana Esequiba, it has produced maps showing the territory as part of Venezuela and ordered international oil companies to leave the area. However, the big question observers are asking is whether Venezuela will try to assert its control by launching an invasion. The border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana has a long history. Having emerged during Venezuela’s independence, which coincided with the creation of British Guiana, in 1831, the dispute was eventually referred to arbitration. In 1899, Britain was given control over a large part of the territory claimed by Vene
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