This Is Not An English Lesson - Bob’s Summer Update

Well, hello and welcome to this video. It’s not an English lesson this week, sorry about that. If you were hoping to have this really well-made English lesson, this is not it, this is just an update on Bob’s life. It’s a good update, by the way, nothing serious. But by the way, if you do want it to be somewhat of an English lesson, you could read the transcript in the description below before you watch this, you could hit pause right now, read that, and then watch it, that’s a good activity when you’re learning English. But no, this is just an update on my life, it’s an exciting update, because the school year is almost done, this is always an exciting time for me. You’ll be watching this on a Tuesday, so that’s in a couple of days, so on Tuesday next week, I’ll be giving my final exam to my students, and then I’ll be grading it, and then that’s pretty much it for me for the school year. I’ll have the rest of the summer, most of July or all of July and all of August to do what I want. So what will I be doing? Well, I’ll be making videos for all of you. Even though the school year is over, I do not stop teaching, I always keep teaching on YouTube, it’s something I really enjoy, I’ll keep doing the livestreams. In terms of video lessons though, I’ll be a little bit more creative, because I’ll have a bit more time to put each lesson together. I know you like the lessons where I talk about 10 phrases or teach you six different ways to say something, but I plan this summer to get out and about a little bit more, to get out and make videos not just on my farm, I will make videos here for you, but also to go out and make some videos in actual situations, in places where I need to speak English. So hopefully, you can set aside some time in the future to watch those. So I’m excited, I’m excited to have the school year done. I should say though, I do really like teaching, but when the school year ends, I do have a lot of happiness, maybe an inappropriate amount of happiness. So I do love my job, but I do love it when the school year comes to an end. And then of course, I will be spending a lot of time this summer on the farm, helping Jen with the flowers, as most of you know, we grow flowers on our farm. I just like being outside, I think I have the heart of a farmer. When I was growing up, my parents encouraged me to get a university education, they encouraged me not to become a farmer, but inevitably, I ended up becoming a farmer in a small way anyway, so I will definitely be helping Jen here on the flower farm. Probably, one of my favorite things to do on the flower farm is anything involving my tractor, and then selling flowers at our farmer’s market. I’m sure in your local town you have a farmer’s market, you should go and support your farmers there if you can. I’m not sure what that noise is, I don’t know if the cicadas are already here or it might just be a bird. Oh, I think it flew away. Anyways, I will be helping Jen on the farm, spending lots of time outdoors, just making sure that everything’s growing well. It’s raining right now, so I don’t have to worry about irrigating and doing all of that crazy stuff, but I will certainly help Jen in any way I can. But yeah, driving a tractor, anytime you need someone to drive a tractor, call me. And definitely helping Jen sell the flowers at market. One of the reasons I enjoy selling flowers at market is because there’s lots of really good snacks there, samosas, empanadas, a whole lot of food from different places in the world, so things that you would be familiar with, I can buy at our farmer’s market, so that’s really, really fun. Not good for my waistband, I get a little... Well, I don’t put on weight in the summer, ’cause I work it all off doing physical labor, but it certainly is enjoyable to be there and sell things. And then lastly, I’m just going to relax a bit. I spend a little more time in the summer reading, I usually watch a few British television shows and some French television as well. I’ll probably spend a lot more time with my kids, although this coming summer, I will probably spend a lot of time bringing my kids to work. My kids are getting old enough to get jobs, and they don’t wanna work for us, they would rather go work for someone else. So I will probably spend time bringing them to work and picking them up when they’re done, their shift, wherever that ends up being, so I’ll be doing all that dad stuff as well. And then just a change is always good, right? So I will be mentally recharging and getting ready for the next school year. I’ll be thinking of things, ways I can teach certain things in different classes. But anyways, to recap, the English lessons will continue, the English lessons will get better, the English lessons will happen regularly, so hopefully, you are around to watch them. Thanks so much for being subscribers, thanks so much for just being viewers.
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