ZeroToMastery - master-the-coding-interview-big-tech-faang-interviews-updated-7-2022-0

\ 0:00 Course Breakdown 11:04 Join Our Online Classroom! #1 Google Interview Question Two Sum (Easy)\ 15:06 Interview Question #1 Two Sum 22:20 How To Approach Our Problem 34:06 Writing Our Brute Force Solution 40:47 Testing Our Brute Force Solution With Our Test Cases 50:10 Submitting To Leetcode 51:59 Analyzing Space and Time Complexity 1:02:37 Optimizing Our Solution 1:10:43 Coding Our Optimal Solution 1:16:05 Testing Our Optimal Solution With Our Test Cases & Space and Time Complexity 1:24:08 Checking Performance on Leetcode #2-Container With Most Water (Medium)\ 1:27:32 Interview Question #2-Container With Most Water 1:32:19 Coming Up With Test Cases 1:36:39 Thinking Through A Logical Brute Force Solution 1:49:28 Coding Out Our Brute Force Solution 1:56:49 Stepping Through Our Code 2:01:34 Thinking About Our Optimal Solution 2:15:27 Coding Our Optimal Solution And Testing On LeetCode #3-Trapping Rainwater (Hard)\ 2:25:18 Interview Question #3-Trapping Rainwater 2:32:37 Thinking About A Logical Solution 2:45:23 Coding Our Brute Force 2:54:15 Figuring Out Our Optimization Strategy 3:18:41 Coding Our Optimal Solution 3:32:08 Optimal Code And LeetCode #4-Typed Out Strings (Easy)\ 3:34:18 Interview Question #4 -Typed Out Strings 3:41:27 Logic Of Our Brute Force 3:49:29 Coding Our Brute Force 3:59:07 Space And Time Complexity 4:06:29 Coming Up With Optimal Solution 4:18:22 Coding Our Optimal Solution 4:30:57 Submitting To LeetCode #5-Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Medium)\ 4:36:49 Interview Question #5-Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 4:43:28 Coming Up With A Brute Force Approach 4:50:03 Coding Our Brute Force 5:00:00 Space And Time Complexity 5:03:16 Sliding Window Technique 5:08:35 Hints For Optimizing Our Solution 5:10:51 Thinking About Optimal Solution 5:20:01 Coding Our Optimal Solution 5:28:31 Optimal Code And LeetCode #6-Valid Palindrome & Almost Palindrome\ 5:31:49 Intro To Palindromes 5:41:31 Interview Question #6-Valid Palindrome 5:50:11 Almost A Palindrome 6:00:26 Figuring Out Our Solution 6:07:17 Coding Our Solution Linked Lists-Basics and Reverse A Linked List\ 6:17:04 Linked List Introduction 6:21:02 Basic Algorithm Reverse a Linked List 6:29:24 Thinking About Our Solution 6:40:19 Coding Reverse A Linked List Solution List-Question #7-M, N Reversals (Medium)\ 6:47:27 Interview Question #7-M, N Reversals 6:54:18 Coming Up With A Logical Solution 7:10:51 Coding Our Solution List-Question #8-Merge Multi-Level Doubly Linked List (Medium)\ 7:26:30 Interview Question #8-Merge Multi-Level Doubly Linked List 7:35:22 Figuring Out Our Test Cases 7:43:57 Thinking About Our Approach 8:00:44 Coding Out Our Solution List-Question #9-Cycle Detection (Medium)\ 8:15:22 Interview Question #9-Cycle Detection 8:27:03 What Is Floyd’s Tortoise And Hare Algorithm 8:30:07 Coding Floyd’s Algorithm 8:39:01 Optional Proof Of How And Why Floyd’s Algorithm Works #10-Valid Parentheses (Easy)\ 9:04:53 Intro to Stacks and Queues 9:08:05 Interview Question #10-Valid Parentheses 9:17:28 Walking Through Our Problem-Identifying The Need For A Stack 9:25:43 Coding Our Solution With A Stack #11-Minimum Brackets To Remove (Medium)\ 9:35:02 Interview Question #11-Minimum Brackets To Remove 9:42:40 Thinking About Our Solution 9:55:26 Coding Our Solution #12-Implement Queue With Stacks (Easy)\ 10:06:20 Question #12-Implement Queue With Stacks 10:10:30 Figuring Out Our Solution 10:20:50 Coding Our Solution (Sorting and Hoare’s QuickSelect)-Question #13-Kth Largest Element\ 10:29:18 Introducing Recursion 10:32:25 Optional Tail Recursion 10:52:20 Sorting 10:54:44 Interview Question #13-Kth Largest Element 11:01:34 Insights From Quick Sort 11:14:11 Understanding Divide And Conquer 11:22:29 Coding Quicksort Into Our Solution 11:37:22 What Is Hoare’s Quickselect Algorithm 11:44:17 Coding Our Solution With Quickselect 11:56:05 Exercise Imposter Syndrome (Binary Search)-Question #14-Start And End Of Target (Medium)\ 11:59:01 Understanding Binary Search
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