S1MBA - Twice (Official Music Video)

Twice by S1mba was released on September 2nd 2021 as a part of Good Time Long Time by Parlophone Records. Download/Stream Twice on Good Time Long Time here: Credits: Production Company: @yellowfishgroup EP: @lukebiggins Director: @shotbyfaces Commissioner: @ Producer: @bykofijr Prod Manager: @sandhu_117 1st AD: @n1zarshad Prod Assist: @Wezkanu Prod Assist: @alessandro_bononi Prod Assist: @hcamcreative Covid Officer: @Tesifenti_ DOP: @krystianwinszewski 1st AC: @eyyaz Gaffer: @miserotti Spark: @marcellobellini Spark: Blundell Street Studios Art Director: Amina Fasulaku Art Assistant: Manpreet Singh Art Assistant: Rabbia Label: @parlophone Follow S1MBA: Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Soundcloud -
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