[Trailer] 城市獵人 (City Hunter) - Restored Version

City Hunter 城市獵人 (1993) 導演: 王晶 領銜主演: 成龍, 王祖賢, 後藤久美子, 邱淑貞 主演: 溫翠蘋, 單立文, 葛文輝, 林海峰, 李察諾頓, 基利丹尼斯 特別客串: 黎明 瀟洒不羈的私家偵探孟波(成龍 飾)受聘於日本報業大王今村宏次,尋找其離家出走的女兒清子。 孟波助手惠香(王祖賢 飾)因不滿他終日沉迷女色,一怒下與表哥到郵輪「富貴丸」渡假,孟波追至。郵輪上的賓客非富則貴,一批國際匪徒計劃於啟航後騎劫。警員芽子(邱淑貞 飾)接報,混入船中調查。清子無意中聽到鄰房匪徒們的對話,欲往通知船長,卻被內奸的大副攔截,千鈞一髮之際被孟波救回。清子將整件事告知孟波,孟波聯同芽子、惠香等人一起對抗匪徒。 最後,孟波成功將匪徒們一網打盡,並安全帶清子回家。 Director: WONG CHING Starring: JACKIE CHAN, JOEY WONG, KUMIKO GOTO, CHINGMY YAU Co-Starring: CAROL WEN, PAL SIN, ERIC KOT, JAN LAMB, RICHARD NORTON, GARY DANIELS Special Gueststar: LEON LAI Jackie Chan stars as the girl-chasing private detective Ryo Saeba in this hilarious live-action adaptation of the popular Japanese manga series, City Hunter. Hired to track down the runaway daughter of a publishing tycoon, Ryo ends up on a luxury cruise ship hijacked by terrorists. With the help from his jealous assistant Carrie (Joey Wang), undercover agent Saeko (Chingmy Yau) and gambler Gundam (Leon Lai), Ryo must foil the nefarious plot. ‎ © 2010 Fortune STAR Media Limited. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
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