Fantasy on themes of songs of the Great Patriotic War (Sergey Surovtsev)

Sergey Abrosimovich Surovtsev (b. December 1, 1939): Fantasy on themes of songs about the Great Patriotic War “For Another Guy“, 1977. Songs: “We Need One Victory“ from the music for film “Belorussian Station“ (music by Bulat Okudzhava / Alfred Schnittke, 1970), “The Last Battle“ from the music for film “Liberation“ (music by Mikhail Nozhkin, 1968), “For Another Guy“ (or - “Instead of That Lad“ / “Instead of That Guy“, music by Mark Fradkin, 1971), “Birches“ from the music for film “First Day of Peace“ (music by Mark Fradkin, 1958). Plays: Central Military band of Ministry of Defence of USSR (The First Separate Exemplary Orchestra (Band) of Ministry of Defence of the Soviet Union), conductor: Major Sergey Surovtsev (conductor of Band in 1972-1978), recording of January 20, 1978. Сергей Абросимович Суровцев: Фантазия на темы песен о Великой Отечественной войне “За того парня“, 1977 год. В составе: &
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