Help A Little Puppy Was Abandoned Along With a Kitten in a Box in A Corner of A Rural Market

Help A Little Puppy Was Abandoned Along With a Kitten in a Box in A Corner of A Rural Market On a market day at the Moran market, this little puppy was abandoned in a box with a cat. The two innocent children were very worried and in a sad mood Both were taken to the Vet for examination. The cat does not have any health problems. He was adopted. Little puppy is being monitored by the she has diarrhea. How did the 6-week-old baby get separated from his mother? She kept crying in extreme anxiety. Her front leg was damaged. This poor puppy has difficulty walking so needs bandaging.. Credit: Helpshelter #ThePenguin, #SkeletonDog, #DogShiveringOnSnow
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