Thousands flock to see ‘miracle’ Sister Wilhelmina , whose body shows no decay 4 years after death

Nuns in Gower, Missouri, are exploring the possibility of a sainthood for Wilhelmina Lancaster, whose body was found without any visible sign of decay four years after being buried. While no case for sainthood can yet be made for Lancaster, as such requests need to be made at least five years after a person’s death, the nuns are “seeking advice on a possible opening of a cause in the future,“ they said in a statement released on Sunday. Lancaster, the founder of the Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, in the small town of Gower in Missouri, died in May 2019 at the age of 95. Earlier this month, sisters at the convent decided to move her remains to lie underneath the altar in the convent’s chapel. They were surprised to find her body in an almost perfectly preserved condition. Lancaster’s body had remained unburied until Monday, May 29 and attracted a large number of visitors. The story has been widely shared on social media, with many calling it a &qu
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