Original Glass Painting Angel by Maria Marachowska #mariamarachowska #glasspainting

Original Glass Painting “Angel“ by Maria Marachowska - Glass Colors - Acrylic Glass - ca. 6x5 cm - Ready to Hang (Including Stickers Transparent Stand) - Unbreakable - Sun & Water Resistant Colors - 1 Piece in the World! Only Original! BUY: With her small-size „baby glass paintings“, Maria Marachowska has created a singular form of artistic expression whose special, translucent materiality in conjunction with an intriguing diversity of different motifs atypical for this art medium can properly be described as a unique distinguishing feature. The particular magic inherent in this material is evocative of the ancient „Maestri Vetrai“ - the master glassmakers - of the Venetian island of Murano who equated the creation of their glass artworks with alchemical processes and practiced it in the manner of a secret science. In some of her works this impression is still enhanced
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