Space Engineers 2023 Enterprise D VS Voyager At Scale

This was cathartic in some ways. I know the fight wouldn’t go: “exactly that way,“ but I also know I can accurately recreate the fight at my leisure now. The stats between the ships are fairly accurate aside from a bit of minor tweaking i.e. Voyager’s torpedo situation is a bit wonky. The biggest differences will be weapon output, “Quantum Torpedos“ vs “Photon Torpedos“ and the phaser output on Voyager should be turned up a notch, but then we can also say as her power output was a bit more, the emitters would probably be using a type of firing pattern that would cool down more, so more shots but more rests between etc. I can sort of control that somewhat but the end result will most likely be Enterprise D overwhelming the smaller ship with massive barrages of torpedos and sporadic attacks to the power segments of the ship via phasers. Voyager would be sensible to attack weapons, I can make that happen. This will be interesting.
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