Pruning timing of plum bonsai and control measuresfor loss of branches and dryness梅花盆景修剪時機及失枝枯乾的防治措施

Compared with other bonsai, there are many special features of plum blossoms in the maintenance and cultivation. How to cultivate plum blossoms, what should be paid attention to during pruning, the harm of diseases and insects in plum blossoms and the reasons for the loss of branches and dryness, are explained in detail in this video. In order to make plum bonsai into a scene as soon as possible and bloom more flowers, it is necessary to clarify these problems. 他の盆栽と比べて、維持・栽培にはウメの特徴が多く、剪定の際の注意点、ウメの病気や虫の害、喪失の理由などがあります。この動画では、枝や乾きに
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