Campanula rapunculoides blooms florece

Campanula rapunculoides, known by the common names creeping bellflower, or rampion bellflower, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Campanula, belonging to the family Campanulaceae. In some parts of North America, it is an extremely invasive species. The genus Latin name (“campanula“), meaning ’small bell’, refers to the bell-shape of the flower, while the specific name (“rapunculoides“) refers to the similarity to Campanula rapunculus. Campanula rapunculoides reaches on average 30–80 centimetres (12–31 in) of height, with a maximum of 120 centimetres (47 in). The stem is simple, erect and lightly pubescent and the leaves are usually shortly hairy. The basal leaves are triangular, narrow, with a heart-shaped or rounded base, jagged edges and are up to 12 centimetres (4.7 in) long. The upper stem leaves are sessile, lanceolate, and shortly stalked. The inflorescence consists of nodding spikelike racemes with numerous drooping flowers. The flowers are bright blue-violet (rarely white), 2 to 4 centimetres ( to in) long, with short petioles standing to one side in the axils of the bracts. The bracts are quite different and smaller than the leaves. The sepals are lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, entire, wide at the base up to 2.5 millimetres ( in). The corolla is bell-shaped, with five deep lobes slightly ciliate. The flowering period extends from June through September. The flowers are pollinated by insects (bees, flies, butterflies, etc.) (entomophily). The fruit is a capsule with five pores near the base, where the seeds are spread. This plant has its overwintering buds situated just below the soil surface (hemicryptophyte). It spreads by underground rhizomes and produces deep, taproot-shaped tubers. Both are white and fleshy. Because any piece of the roots can sprout into a new plant, it is extremely hard to eradicate. This plant is native to Europe and western Siberia and it has been introduced to North America, where it has become an extremely invasive weed. It chokes out other plants, and eliminating it is nearly impossible due to its multiple propagation mechanisms. It grows on grassy places, dry hills, meadows, in deciduous and pine forests, woods, fields and roadsides, along railway lines and hedgerows, preferably in partial shade, in dry to moist sites and on clay soils, relatively rich in nitrogen, at an altitude of 0–2,000 metres (0–6,562 ft) above sea level. It also occurs in cultivated fields as a weed. Campanula rapunculoides,俗名匍匐風鈴草或rampion bellflower,是風鈴草屬的多年生草本植物,屬於桔梗科。在北美的某些地區,它是一種極具入侵性的物種。 拉丁屬名(“campanula”),意思是“小鈴鐺”,指的是花朵的鐘形,而具體的名字(“rapunculoides”)是指與風鈴草的相似之處。 Campanula rapunculoides 平均高度為 30-80 厘米(12-31 英寸),最高可達 120 厘米(47 英寸)。莖簡單、直立且略有短柔毛,葉子通常短毛。基生葉呈三角形,狹窄,基部呈心形或圓形,邊緣呈鋸齒狀,最長可達 12 厘米(4.7 英寸)。上部莖葉無柄,披針形,短柄。 花序由帶有許多下垂花的點狀穗狀總狀花序組成。花是明亮的藍紫色(很少是白色),長 2 至 4 厘米( 至 英寸),葉柄短,位於苞片腋的一側。苞片完全不同,比葉子小。萼片為披針形至卵狀披針形,全緣,基部寬達 2.5 毫米( 英寸)。花冠鐘形,有五個深裂片,略具纖毛。花期從六月持續到九月。花朵由昆蟲(蜜蜂、蒼蠅、蝴蝶等)授粉(昆蟲學)。果實是一個在底部附近有五個孔的蒴果,種子散佈在那裡。 這種植物的越冬芽位於土壤表面下方(半隱植物)。它通過地下根莖傳播並產生深的主根狀塊莖。兩者都是白色和肉質的。因為任何一塊根都可以發芽成新植物,所以很難根除。 這種植物原產於歐洲和西西伯利亞,並已被引入北美,在那裡它已成為一種極具入侵性的雜草。它扼殺了其他植物,由於其多種繁殖機制,幾乎不可能消滅它。 它生長在草地、乾燥的山丘、草地、落葉林和松樹林、樹林、田野和路邊、鐵路沿線和灌木籬笆上,最好在部分陰涼處、乾燥到潮濕的地方和粘土上,氮含量相對豐富,在海拔 0–2,000 米(0–6,562 英尺)的高度。它也作為雜草出現在耕地中。 Campanula rapunculoides, þekkt undir almennum nöfnum creeping bellflower, eða rampion bellflower, er ævarandi jurtaplanta af ættkvíslinni Campanula, sem tilheyrir fjölskyldunni Campanulaceae. Sums staðar í Norður-Ameríku er það afar ágeng tegund. Latneska nafnið (“campanula“), sem þýðir “lítil bjalla“, vísar til bjöllulaga blómsins, en sérheitið (“rapunculoides“) vísar til líkt og Ca
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