knit & crochet vlog!! website launch, commissions and a haircut FAIL

i thought I’d take you along for a few days and show you what I get up to, trying to juggle working multiple jobs. I finally launched my online shop and worked on some commissions that came through. I also booked in for a haircut, which was long overdue but also took up too much of my mental capacity, but as our lord and saviour Miss Fleabag said, ’ hair is everything’. I hope you like this slightly more raw and laid-back video, it’s definitely a great insight into how my weeks pan out :))) 💖 💖 💖 Knitting Machine Details: Empisal Knitmaster 323 💌  Follow me!! 💌  @averp tags: scrunchies, sewing scrunchies, crochet scrunchie, knit scrunchie, knit hair accessories, sewing hair accessories, knitting, crochet, sewing, knitting for beginners, crochet for beginners, sewing for beginners, knit projects, cro
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