No Place to Place Ⅱ——Graveyards of shared cars and network cars in China

As capital is withdrawn from the shared-bike industry, the much-disputed graveyards of shared bikes have also disappeared as if they had never existed. However, the blood-thirsty nature of capital decides that it will never be stopped. In 2019, another graveyards made up with shared cars and network cars appeared. Thousands of shared cars and network cars were deserted on various temporary parking sites, waiting to be removed or declared worthless. The brands concerned included Geely, Beiqi, Didi, Meituan and Caocao Travel. The reasons behind this were the government’s intensified efforts in controlling the motor vehicle market, the drivers, difficulty in earning money brought by the operators, canceling of subsidies, and the elimination of green energy powered cars launched in the early stages due to malfunction. While at the same time, bigger capital holders such as FAW, Dongfeng Motor, Changan Motor, Tencent, Alibaba and Suning are itching to try their hands in the field. Maybe another artificial landscape made by the excessive capital flows is just on the way.
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