Enigma - Mother + Story (Eng+Rus) - lyrics, reupload
Don’t be shy!
I know you need a place to hide.
Mom is here and that’s all right!
I’m on your side, on your side.
It is time you cross the river to glory land.
Any dream helps survive!
When you’re there, you will see
That’s the place you long to be
Trust me! This ride is free!
Open up the windows of your mind.
Don’t you see it is time
To leave your fears behind.
Follow me…
Escape through world of desire and dreams...
Desire and dreams
You’ve turned into a side street.
A wise move
No monks here, not even passers-by.
You’re still out of breath
Time to calm down.
A black limousine comes down the lane and stops next to you.
The back door opens.
You don’t hesitate to get in
The driver’s a woman.
She doesn’t ask where to
She just starts to drive
And you sit in the back seat leaning back,
closing your eyes.
Soft music’s soothing your troubled mind
The driver begins to talk to you as to a close friend.
She knows your first name
She knows your past
She remembers your sins
Who is that woman?
You know this voice.
Can it be?
It’s your mother’s voice, giving you advice.
As always.
No, it can’t be your mother.
She wouldn’t be that young.
And anyway. She’s gone.
«I’m used to reading your dreams»,
the woman at the wheel contends,
«I know your secret wishes.»
You ask: Who are you?
And she answers:
«I always knew where to take you.
Look, here we are! Time to get out.»
The car has stopped in front of a magnificent villa.
She walks you to the gate.
Turning around she says:
«Go enter the realm of dreams!»
#enigma #lyrics #blackporoh