how putin’s propaganda works, explained by a russian (reupload)

UNCENSORED VERSION AVAILABLE TO ALL PATRONS. NO BLEEPS AND NO COVERED UP BITS! THIS IS A REUPLOAD OF A VIDEO OF MINE THAT GOT CENSORED. Correction: At one point in this video I say “On February 24th 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine“. This is factually incorrect. Russia annexed Crimea and attacked the Donbas in 2014, and has been supporting and conducting military aggression in Eastern Ukraine since that time. The correct way of putting this is “On February 24th 2022, Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine“. At least, that’s one way I’ve seen Ukrainians put it. Propaganda is supposed to be deceptive. Apparently not anymore. Current new age russian propaganda is, basically, SAY BLACK IS WHITE AND UP IS DOWN OR YOU GO JAIL. And yet an astounding number of russians (like, 70%) sincerely support Putin’s brutal shameful atrocious invasion of Ukraine. How? why? for what? Here are volunteers and
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