Andrey Paschenko. Symphonic Mystery. First in the world music for theremin

#theremin #olesyarostovskaya #artesmirabiles Андрей Пащенко. Симфоническая мистерия (1923) Реконструкция по авторскому клавиру выполнена Олесей Ростовской в 2019 году. The “Symphonic Mystery” was the first piece of music ever to have been composed specifically for the theremin. It was composed by Andrey Paschenko in 1923 and performed in the Leningrad Philharmonia in 1924. (Now St. Petersburg Philharmonia) Later the original score was lost. The composer’s own clavier of the Symphonic Mystery was recovered in 2019, the centenary of the theremin. The task of reconstructing the score was undertaken by Olesya Rostovskaya. This is the video of a rehearsal of the “Second Opening Night” of this composition on 11 January 2020. St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Alim Shachmametiev, solo theremin Olesya Rostovskaya - for more tracks in Original Recording Quality and Surround 5.0 look at - also you can look at olesya
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