A multicolored crochet design tutorial to help you make a thalposh, table cloth, placemat or doily. This vibrant crochet pattern will add much needed colors to your home. This video will explain in detail on how to make this pattern, the concept for this design is also suitable for beginners. Drop any questions in the comment section below and make sure to mark your question with a time stamp.
Steel Crochet Hook size used for this crochet pattern is mm. ( 3/0 )
Wool used for this crochet design is 100% 3 Ply Acrylic.
Size of this design and wool needed for this crochet design is mentioned i
...n the last few minutes of the vide.
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- Crochet, Crochet for beginners, Crochet Patterns, Crochet Designs
- Thalposh, Thalpos, Thal posh, Thaalpos, Thali pros, Thali paros
- Thalposh Designs, Thalpos Designs, Thalposh design in Hindi
- Crosia design, crosia ke design, qureshia ke design
- Tablecloth, Table cloth design, table cover design
#Crochet #Thalposh #Thalpos #crochetplacemat #woolenrumal #AmmiCrafts #crochetdoilyShow more