From primitive rocket to guided smart bomb,

🇱🇧 — From primitive rocket to guided smart bomb, How does Hezbollah achieve such precise targeting with heavy rockets like the Burkan or Falaq, as well as lighter Katyusha grads? While most rocket barrages are unguided and area-focused, relying on a single missile poses significant chances of missing the target. So why do these heavy rockets consistently hit their marks without being used in barrages to increase target hits? It’s all thanks to a single upgraded fuse installed before launch, swapping the primitive fuse for the smart upgraded fuse. In operation the smart fuse screws into the nose of the projectile much like conventional fuzes. In addition to the fuzing function it provides a GPS guidance package and control surfaces to correct the flight of the shell. This is analogous to the addition of a Joint Direct Attack Munition. Small aerodynamic fins allow the system to steer the shell on target. Its GPS receiver compares the projectile’s Trump spent time wi... Source: Lord Of War
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