Holy good lord, that’s a big king!

Holy good lord, that’s a big king! It’s sad to think that South America has larger kings now than North America where Chinook are native to. They were first introduced in Chile in the 1980s and 1990s through fish hatcheries that released Chinook smolts. The original stocks came from tributaries of the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon. They have now naturalized and flourished in over 10 watersheds in southern Chile. King salmon can also be found in some rivers in Argentina. The rapid spread and success of these salmon in South American waters has been attributed to factors like the lack of dams, absence of chemical pollution in rivers, and the presence of suitable natural environments for their lifecycle. Theres a lot we can learn from this experiment and we are happy to see kings flourish somewhere. We hope one day we can see them flourish again in the north pacific. #wildunlimited #circulareconomy #wildsalmon #wildsteelhead #protectwhatsleft
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