Japan Vlogs: Orientation Week at Kansai Gaidai

This video format is similar to the my last vlog, with the latter portion mostly of me just speaking to the camera, but the first portion contains a tour of the campus and many video clips of what I did during orientation week. It is in the latter portion I actually speak about orientation week, the Japanese placement test, my host family, and how studying abroad is going in general. I also have a video playing over when I’m speaking about my house family of a tour of what my host family’s house looks like, so even if you’re not interested in listening to me talk for 10 minutes, click through the video to find my video tour if you’d like! For those who don’t know, my name is Cassie and I created this channel to document my experience studying abroad in Osaka, Japan at Kansai Gaidai University for the Fall 2017 semester for my service project because I won the Gilman Scholarship and the Freeman Asia Scholarship to help support my study abroad experience. The channel has q
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