Genesis “L’Odyssée de la Vie“

An Fx studio’s Video production showing human development from a sperm to a baby. This video performs you the process of a fertilized egg to a baby in 3D!! You’ll find the magnificent work of our Creator. Explanations: After sexual intercourse, sperm travels through the cervix and uterus and into the Fallopian tubes. Conception usually takes place in the outer third of the Fallopian tube. A single sperm penetrates that egg and a joining of the genetic information occurs. This resulting single cell is called a zygote. The zygote spends the next few days traveling down the Fallopian tube and rapidly multiplying the number of cells through division. A mulberry-like mass, like a hollow rubber ball, 1/100 inch wide, results from the cell division. This ball of cells in the Fallopian tube is called a morula. The embryonic stage begins on the 15th day after conception and continues until about the 8th week, or until the embryo is 1.2 inches in length. Week 3 we see th
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