Doctor Who: Every Single Death In New Who (600 Subscribers!)

****PLEASE READ**** The guesses about how many people died in mass scenes etc. are in no way 100% accurate. There is nothing we can do to change it now. Sorry. So me and David have been planning something like this for a long time. Since there was no video when we reached the big 500 milestone, me and David both thought a video on such an epic proportion was heavily due. David came up with a brilliant idea of showing every single death of New Who or NuWho. We really hoped to make this better than our 400 subscriber video and hope we did. Obviously alot of our subscribers have come from the End Of Time Ultimate Trailer we uploaded which we cannot thank the public enough for the overwhelming popularity of the video. Bring on 700! Lee: Series 1 David: Series 2 Lee: Series 3 David: Series 4 Lee: 2008/09 Specials ----------- COPYRIGHT BBC Music: In The Hall Of The Mountain King
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