【Macne Nana English】 Star of the Show 【Original Song】

Original upload date: September 3, 2016 fun fact of the day nana is signing “lesbian“ in asl in this picture that wasn’t intentional at first, but honestly? now it is anywho i wrote a song about impostor syndrome and how that works combined with being put on a pedestal as an online creator! but i want to add some commentary because i feel like the way i went about writing that subject was very... not well executed i’m only explaining my intent in this description because i do want people to understand that i’ve never intentionally set out to hurt anyone, but of course intent doesn’t change how people feel about something! this isn’t meant as an excuse, just an explanation. i was (and still am) experiencing being put on a pedestal, where some view me as totally perfect, immune to criticism, even more worthy of living than others? and while that’s not a comfortable experience for anyone, it especially doesn’t mix well with low self-estee
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