5 Popular Krishna Bhajans Vol - 5 | Soothing | Must Listen | Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans
#srisathyasai #saibaba #bhajans #music #spiritual #devotional #prasanthibhajangroup #krishnasongs #krishnabhajan #popularkrishnabhajans
00:00 - Hari Hari Govinda Narayana
02:58 - Paramananda Govinda Gopala Jai
07:00 - Nanda Mukunda Hari Gopala
09:43 - Giridhari Lal Shyama Gopal
13:47 - Bhava Bhaya Harana (Baba Sings)
God incarnated as Krishna to charm humanity with His sweetness, His play, and His songs, and to show man the path of pure love and how to live in divine love. Krishna’s advent signifies the dispelling of darkness, the removal of troubles, the banishing of ignorance, and the teaching of mankind of the supreme wisdom.
Here is a bouquet of Popular Krishna Bhajans! Come one! Come all! Join in singing the glory of Lord Krishna!
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