“Осень“ А.С.Пушкин, читает И.Смоктуновский

For people who study Russian language. Advanced level. “Осень“ А.С.Пушкин, читает И.Смоктуновский English translation: “Autumn“ by I October has arrived - the woods have tossed Their final leaves from naked branches; A breath of autumn chill - the road begins to freeze, The stream still murmurs as it passes by the mill, The pond, however’s frozen; and my neighbor hastens to his far-flung fields with all the members of his hunt. The winter wheat will suffer from this wild fun, And baying hounds awake the slumbering groves. II This is my time: I am not fond of spring; The tiresome thaw, the stench, the mud - spring sickens me. The blood ferments, and yearning binds the heart and mind.. With cruel winter I am better satisfied, I love the snows; when in the moonlight A sleigh ride swift and carefree with a friend. Who, warm and rosy ’neath a sable mantle, Burns, trembles as she clasps your h
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