(Очень Мощно!) ОБЕССИЛЬ и Закрой путь ВРАГАМ, СПЛЕТНИКАМ и ЗАВИСТНИКАМ | Обезвредь Своих НЕДРУГОВ

Today, almost every person has enemies and envious people. You won’t be good for everyone, but what to do with the negativity that comes from detractors? After all, envy has a powerful destructive force and can cause various troubles and problems. Even if a disaster has occurred, your energy field has not coped with the flow of negative energy, you can stop “pumping out“ your vital forces. For this purpose, there is a specially developed video program, which is aimed at cleansing the aura from such an impact. The runic formula “Retribution“ allows you to quickly absorb the negative energy directed from your abusers: its power can be used not only against direct enemies, but also against all sorts of schemers, scoundrels, extortionists, debtors, deceivers, dishonest customers, dishonest employees, malicious violators of contracts and various promises, as well as lovers of rudeness and swearing with By you. And listening to cosmoenergetic music put a kind of barrier that cl
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